Barbecuing in my native land is the bringing together of naked flame and fresh meat on a metal grill which, when performed correctly, results in beautifully charred yet juicy meats that excite and satisfy the deep-rooted carnivorous reptile region of the mind. Shortly after arriving in Florida I found that barbecuing here involves soaking greasy meat in greasier solutions and slathering it in smoked flavored corn syrup which sends me into insulin shock, increases the viscosity of my blood, and leaves me feeling like I've just been forced to change an oil filter using my mouth. The Southeast's arteries are clogged with Sonny's, Bono's, Sticky Fingers, and other places that differ solely in name but all carry the same low grade feed being passed off as barbecue. Every "barbecue" place I have been to here has been utter garbage (and it's not just a Florida phenomenon, I went to a place in Texas that was no different) until... Mojo.
Mojo Bar-B-Que on University is amazing. Forget the comfortable atmosphere and the friendly staff, the real meat of the issue is the meat of the issue: Mojo's food is fantastic. Large portions, incredible sides (the jalapeño cornbread is delicious), and main items that are both flavorful and, while still naturally a bit greasy, lack excessive amounts of oil. If you like hot food and/or flatulence, definitely try the spicy Texas-style chili; it's some of the best chili I've had and, for little people like us, the bowl is enough for two filling meals. As I've already mentioned, the jalapeño cornbread is fantastic so make sure to wrangle that onto your plate if it doesn't come standard with your order.
There's also a Mojo Kitchen on Beach Boulevard in Jacksonville Beach. The menu is slightly different but I'd hazard to guess that the quality is still present. I suppose we'll have to go check it out to verify (or really just as an excuse to eat some good barbecue food).
Mojo Bar-B-Que
1607 University Blvd. West
Jacksonville, Florida 32217

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