The latest sushi house to arrive on the Southside scene, the Tinseltown region in particular, is Yummy Sushi. This now brings the total number of sushi restaurants in that quarter-mile radius to a whopping four. This would seem like overkill until you compare it to the number of hot wing and Budweiser restaurants in the same area and you quickly discover that they're still greatly outnumbered.
Yummy Sushi, like Crazy Sushi and Yo Sushi, are hoping that their clever name will serve as the initial force to pull you in and then, once they have you in their clutches, they intend to earn your allegiance through their food and atmosphere. Yummy's got an edge on the atmosphere if you're looking to impress. It's fairly sleek inside and would be a good place to bring a date or prospective client. There's a full bar and many large TV screens to help entertain your partner once your charm has worn off so you won't have to spend that period between sipping miso soup and fumbling sushi rolls in a terribly awkward silence.
The sushi is indeed yummy and, depending on the roll, quite attractive to boot. Many of the rolls are arranged in a creative fashion, some are even sculpted into dragons. I got the fancy roll, a tasty analog of Crazy Sushi's cold roll which uses thin slices of cucumber to hold everything together instead of rice, and the signature yummy roll which contained tempura shrimp and some other goodies. There's no menu online so I can't tell you exactly what was in either of the two but I can confidently assert that they were both delicious (especially the fancy roll, I could eat that everyday and not grow tired of it) and sufficiently satiated my immense appetite. Full on two rolls which didn't cost a lot of money, Yummy Sushi delivered.
There's no website but, in my vain attempts to find one, I discovered that they are very alike Yummy Sushi in New York. Strikingly similar logo, similar roll presentation; are they perhaps a chain in disguise? Have we been had? Regardless, I was satisfied and will now find it even more difficult to decide which sushi restaurant to visit in this area of town.
Yummy Sushi
4372 Southside Blvd
Jacksonville, FL 32216
(904) 998-8380

1 comment:
they have a website now...
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